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11 Crystals for the Poet's Desk

Writer's picture: Megan NegaMegan Nega

The environment poets write in and create for themselves can be beneficial or detrimental for writing. Most poets and writers I know adore the natural world and love connecting with it in their writing space; poets will write by a fire, a lit candle, an air diffuser, near a water-fountain or stream, in the forest, or with crystals nearby that are evocative of earth. I love how crystals--and the many meanings attached to them--remind me of the connections that exist between humans and nature.

Poets write for many reasons--to understand, to find truth, to express oneself, to connect, to entertain--but writing isn't always easy or effortless. Sometimes it requires truth, honesty, humility, curiosity, frustration, delight, shame or any other number of feelings and experiences. Above all though, poetry requires a desire to communicate, connect, and create. And, wonderfully, there are crystals that can help poets achieve these goals! Not only are crystals incredibly beautiful, but they can affect how you feel. For example, just as a blue bedroom is calming, blue crystals and stones are generally soothing.

While the metaphysical properties of crystals and stones seem set in stone (ha!), crystals can have different affects on each individual based on the relationship formed with the stone through working with it. Attaching meaning to a crystal, and working with it frequently, can help keep you focused as you create. For example, if you know amethyst is said to release sadness and grief, when you are working on poetry that is emotionally distressing (a poem exploring grief over the death of a loved one, for example) and you have amethyst nearby, it can remind you to release those negative emotions and not allow them to block the creative process.

It's ultimately up to you to discover what crystals aid and inspire your individual poetry, but here are eleven that I would recommend adding to any poet's desk for inspired writing:

1. Pink Opal

Pink opals are beautiful stones that remind us of the relationship that exists between self and "All That Is." This harmonious crystal has a peaceful, gentle energy. It reminds us of the creativity the universe holds and helps actualize the creativity of the holder. Like other pink stones pink opal soothes emotional pain and aids in establishing emotional balance. This stone reminds one to embrace oneself with gentleness and compassion. It eases anxiety, fear, doubt, and pain.

Pink opals are perfect for the poet writing poetry that's emotionally difficult. Its soothing energy reminds poets to guide the reader into and out of traumatic or difficult poetry with grace and compassion rather than immerse the reader in a confronting and overwhelming world. It eases the emotional turmoil that can be brought up when writing.

I work with pink opal when I am writing poetry that requires re-living pain or trauma. When I am writing the poetry that is hard to write, the stuff that is so truthful it hurts, I reach for this stone. It reminds me to be soft with myself. Words carry immense power, and pink stones help me bear the responsibility of compassionate writing.

Chakra: Heart

2. Garnet

This deep red stone is extremely grounding and it can settle feelings of uneasiness. Associated with the root chakra, this stone can help one maintain balance and feel safe and protected while harnessing their inner strength. This is a stone of love and intimacy, and it inspires devotion. It can enhance one's perception of self and others. Garnet dispels inhibition and helps to generate courage and self-confidence.

This gemstone is excellent for the poet who is encompassed by fear or self-doubt. Its grounding energy can help carry the poet through difficult emotions while invigorating the creative process. The relationship between poet and poem is an intimate one, and garnet aids in this connection.

I use this stone when I'm writing poetry that I'm afraid to share. Poetry can be incredibly confronting, and so if I've written about someone, it can be anxiety-inducing to think of how they might respond. For this reason, I reach for garnet to ground me when I'm worried about how others will react to my poetry. Garnet also aids me in my creative process. The stone throughout time has been equated with pomegranate seeds because of the striking red colour, and seeds are the ultimate symbol for creation and life--and truly, every poem is a creation. For me, this stone inhibits fear and encourages me to be honest in my poetry.

Chakra: Root / Heart

3. Amethyst

Amethyst is a stone of wisdom--it quiets the mind and promotes inner peace. It aids one in understanding the world and in accepting life, grief, and loss. Connected with the crown chakra, this stone stimulates inspiration and intuition. Additionally, it stimulates and soothes the mind and emotions. Amethyst carries with it the energy of creativity and spirituality, but balances with the energy of logic, clear-thinking, and sobriety.

Amethyst is a wonderful stone for poets who are having trouble listening to their own voice and wisdom. It can be so easy to compare your writing to the writing of others, but amethyst reminds us to trust in who we are. It allows poets to be inspired by what they intuitively are drawn to writing about and remain uninfluenced by criticism or popular trends.

I adore using this stone to discern what form my poetry should take and to find the words I need to use. Amethyst inspires me to make my work as powerful and clean as it can be--which requires a bit of both logic and intuition--so that my voice can come through clear. Like with other forms of art, there is something spiritual about poetry, and the feeling of something bigger than oneself working through me when I create is an experience that amethyst reminds me to honour and respect.

Chakra: Crown

4. Iolite

This beautiful stone connects one to psychic talents as it's a stone of dreams, intuition, and illumination. This stone is associated with astral traveling and shamanic journeying, and it can stimulate visions. It can be helpful when dealing with addictions and breaking old patterns. Some have known it by the name of "Vikings' Compass" because of the visions it provides and it's ability to move us from one realm to the next. It has pronounced pleochronism, meaning it looks different (even changing colour) depending on how it is viewed.

The beautiful, shining specks within the stone illuminate just as poetry should illuminate a truth, emotion or idea. The flecks frozen in the stone remind poets to encapsulate moments of stillness, of deep thought or emotion, within their poetry. It reminds poets to have the courage to bear their dreams and trust their vision.

Poetry guides the reader through something, like a journey or a vision does, and I reach for this stone when I need to be reminded that successful poetry doesn't attempt to know more than the reader. Poetry shouldn't take on a teaching tone. Nobody wants a lecture when they read poems. Instead, it helps me tap into universal knowing. Also, so much of my poetry comes to me in the liminal moments between sleep and wakefulness, and iolite reminds me to not underestimate these insightful moments just because they come from somewhere deep within rather than from outside expertise. Iolite reminds me to trust in my own knowledge and vision.

Chakra: Third-Eye / Crown

5. Blue Lace Agate

This light blue stone is associated with stress-relief and soothes anxiety, nervousness, and an overactive mind. Associated with the throat chakra, this is a powerful stone of communication. It enhances clarity of thought and aids people who don't feel heard by encouraging self-expression. It empowers the wearer to share their truth. It inspires loyalty and trust and dispels negative feelings generated by fear or judgement. It encourages thoughtful, clear thinking and shows one the beauty of inner silence.

At the end of the day, writing is communication. And this stone aids poets in communicating with thoughtfulness and clarity. It is an empowering stone that helps poets express their voices. It encourages us to slow down, and trust in the process of creating.

This soothing stone always reminds me of rocks carved by water or wind, with the layers revealed--like a valley or a hoodoo. It reminds me of the layers it takes to achieve the depth a poem demands. A great poem layers sound, experience, knowledge, truth, playfulness, seriousness, and so much more to create something beautiful. The graceful, circular layers remind me of the connection between everything in life, and how everything circles and cycles.

Chakra: Throat

6. Violet Flame Agate

This unique stone is captivating because of its gorgeous mix of colours. This is a stone of creativity, motivation, and connection. The unique colour blend signals the ability of the stone to blend the spiritual and physical realms. Like other flame agates, it encourages awareness, and the ability to express inner truths with courage and confidence. It carries with it the energies of forgiveness, transformation, love, wisdom, and mercy. It is a stone of protection and stabilization. It provides mental focus and clarity alongside creative freedom.

This stone is excellent for poets experiencing writer's block. It helps motivate poets to write and push forward. It inspires and focuses, and helps us write with reckless abandon, free of judgement.

I reach for this stone when I feel stagnant and uninspired. Something in the multitude of colours helps me focus and gain a clear vision of what I want to write about, and focus fully on moving forward with writing. The warm colours motivate me to write of the physical realm and the cool purples and blues remind me to balance the physical and spiritual in my writing.

Chakras: Third-Eye, Crown, Solar Plexus, Sacral

7. Merlinite (Dendritic Agate)

Merlinite (Dendritic Agate) is a stone of deep intuition and balance. The duality it represents between light and dark is because of its black and white tones (but it can also be greenish, yellowish, brownish or grayish). It is a stone of magic and psychic knowing. It reminds the holder to connect with one's own roots in order to grow. It is also a stone of plentitude and prosperity. It can connect one to the peace and joy of life. This stone is slow to work, and though it has a gentle energy, the impact is deliberate and steady.

Merlinite reminds poets to work hard, hone the craft, and to enjoy the abundance a poetic body of work can yield. I believe this stone also reminds us of the magic of poetry.

I call on merlinite when I can't find the words for feeling. It shows me I knew the words all along. The dendrites in merlinite remind me of earthen matter, and reinforce that everything is connected--every word in a poem is connected, and every poem is connected to every person that reads it. It helps connect me to the answers I already know deep inside.

Chakra: Root / Solar Plexus / Third Eye

8. Citrine

Citrine is a stone of creativity, manifestation, abundance, and imagination. Yellow like the sun, this stone is warm and energizing. It encourages one to achieve their goals and dreams, and it brings joy and vigor to the wearer. It brings positivity to all who work with it and its energy encourages enthusiasm and wonder. Citrine raises self-confidence, activates creativity, and encourages freedom of expression.

Citrine is an excellent choice of crystal for the poet looking to remember and embrace the joy of writing and the delight of words.

I love to work with citrine when I am writing about happy memories from childhood, or when I am inspired to write about the goodness of people or moments that make me smile. It is also a stone I look to when I write of the future, because it inspires me to look at the bright side and to embrace optimism. When I write about my dear friends, the ones that bring me companionship, joy, and warmth, I also utilize this stone's bright energy.

Chakra: Solar Plexus

9. Kambaba Jasper

This beautiful deep green and black stone is rare because it is composed of microcrystalline quartz interlaced with stromatolites (fossilized algae matter). It is a stone of peace and tranquility. It is calming, balancing, and restorative. A stone of relaxation, it helps ground and calm the user. It soothes negative emotions like guilt, anger, grief, and sadness. This special stone can help one feel at ease with themselves and comfortable with the external world. This stone is deeply connected with the natural world.

Kambaba jasper is wonderful for poets who frequently write using animal and plant imagery, and who focus on the connection between humans and nature in their writing. It is also a wonderful stone for poets exploring their ancestry and familial connections.

Because it is a fossil, Kambaba jasper reminds me of the rich history of poetry and its connection to words and sound. This reminder is humbling. When I speak, my utterances have meaning because words have history. I use this stone when I write of family--of my grandmother and of my matrilinial lineage. This is a stone of memory for me, and I work with it when I am delving deep into my own history.

Chakra: Heart / Root

10. Polychrome Jasper (Desert Japser)

This stone, with its earthy colours and circular pattern, embodies passion, vitality, and creativity. It stimulates imagination yet at the same time it is a grounding and centering stone that can deepen your connection to Earth. This stone, like other types of jasper, is nurturing and inspires wisdom and courage in those who work with it. It is a stone of determination and tranquility, and it encourages those who work with it to trust and depend on others.

I believe this stone is wonderful for poets looking to build a community of writers and readers. It reminds writers of the cycles of connection and disconnection that we all move through, and comforts poets even as as it encourages us to see our work through to completion.

I use this stone when I need a reminder of the bravery of writing. It's brave to face the page, to put pen to paper, to share. And it's brave and wise to know when not to share, too. Kambaba jasper inspires me to write poetry that is as interesting to listen to as this unique stone is to look at! This stone reminds me to tap into my unique creativity--no two writers write exactly alike, just as no two stones are identical, and that's a beautiful thing.

Chakras: Root / Sacral / Heart

11. Moonstone

This dreamy stone carries with it the energy of the moon, of immense intuition, and of new beginnings. It reminds the wearer of the cycles of life. Every dark night is broken by the light of day. It soothes emotional stress and turmoil, enhances intuition, and evokes tranquility. The alluring sheen and iridescence remind us of the depth of every individual and the things hidden under the surface. It dispels illusions and encourages one to seek truth.

This lustrous stone is a wonderful one for poets who are inspired by things beyond the physical realm. It reminds us that poetry need not be bound by reality because it is a creative, expressive pursuit. This stone encourages poets to be at one with their own voice, and to seek their own truth. It reminds us all of the beauty of words.

I connect with moonstone when I am writing poetry that goes beyond what I can sense with my physical senses. When I want to write with uninhibited imagination, without judgement, I love using moonstone. It is perfect for writing that waxes and wanes and turns it's back on hard facts in order to embrace and explore emotion.

Chakras: Third Eye / Crown / Sacral / Solar Plexus


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If you are interested in learning more about crystals, there are some excellent books you can check out!

Judy Hall's The Crystal Bible is extremely popular for good reason--it outlines the meaning and use of over 200 crystals. Check out this book HERE!

In this updated book, Judy Hall outlines over 400 crystals and their uses! Check out this book HERE!

This comprehensive book outlines the spiritual and healing qualities of 455 stones. Check out this book HERE!


Note: Before you purchase any crystals, it's important to keep in mind the ethics and sustainability of purchasing natural goods. Unfortunately, not every shop values ethical trade and the fair acquisition of stones. The mining industry doesn't always treat its workers respectfully, so please, research where the crystals in your local shops come from. Call and inquire! Shops that value ethical trade will certainly be happy to tell you where they source their products.

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